Clinical Adjudication: tips for not re-inventing the wheel

By Ethical 10 Dec, 2019

Clinical Adjudication: Tips for not Re-inventing The Wheel

Innovation is about invention, right? Right with conditions. Invention of the same or very similar things is more a waste of time and energy. So, when it comes to Clinical Adjudication, start by not re-inventing the wheel.

Clinical Endpoint Adjudication, sometimes referred to as Clinical Adjudication, like many other processes in clinical research, has some variables and some invariables.

Variables have to do with the specifics of the study. Their complexity depends on the nature of the pathology, the type of events of interest and other specific features of the particular research domain. There is possible, though limited, re-use and standardization as some of the variables repeat from one study to another. You may create or acquire libraries with standard data sets to be re-used for adjudicating certain types of events, for example cardiac events.

Invariables can almost entirely be based on standard procedures and templates. Here is how you can make the biggest savings in time and money: with a well-designed and comprehensive clinical adjudication charter. There are excellent templates created out of experience and thoroughly discussed among the clinical community. The good news is that most of them are available for free.

Your company has specific needs or ways of working, or doesn’t like to follow others? It may then be advisable to create your own clinical adjudication charter template. It will require extra effort but will be used many times. So, even if you decide to invent the wheel, invent it just once, not over and over.


The Complete Manual / Reference Book (34 pages) with all the topics related to the Independent Endpoint Adjudication Committees Management

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